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Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS)

If you would like more information about the ASC-WDS and GCPA’s support, or you have any other queries about the process including funding towards Workforce Development Funding, please contact matt.gilby@gcpa.co.uk or call 07354 842185.

What is it?

An online service managed by Skills for Care (SfC) on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

The ASC-WDC collects workplace and workforce data from care providers and local authorities. Completing the data set gives care providers access to the Workforce Development Fund (WDF) and free training modules from Skills for Care. 20,000 care providers already use the free service.

What are the main benefits to the provider?

  • Allows providers to search, record and manage mandatory training by job, receiving alerts to fill gaps.
  • Benchmark business performance metrics anonymously against others in the local authority.
  • Enables access to the WDF, which provides a contribution towards the costs of vocational learning, cost of qualifications, learning programmes and digital learning modules, course fees, salaries whilst completing training, venue costs or wage replacement costs.
  • Helps evidence up to date training during CQC inspections.
  • Store key workforce information in one secure place.

Why is it important?

The ASC-WDC ensures policy information can be given to the government to for more knowledgeable policy making and uses the intelligence to shape commissioning intentions.

It shows providers the gaps in their workforce and allows them to find their anonymous ranking among local care providers using a host of metrics.

Creating an Account is Quick and Easy!

All that is required to create an account is the user’s name, job title, a password, security question, CQC registration location ID/ postcode service provided and number of staff. This should take 5 minutes. SfC will then verify the account to complete sign-up.

WDS Information and Staff Records Input

Basic information required includes other services provided, current vacancies, staff in/out in the last 12 months, interviews conducted, staff details and demographics, contracted hours, salaries and sickness, qualification level and details of staff.

How do I complete the ASC-WDS requirements and gain access to the Workforce Development Fund?

For a workplace to meet the ASC-WDS requirements for the Workforce Development Fund in 2023-24, the following three things must be completed:

  1. A workplace which has completed an ASC-WDS workplace record before 1 April 2024 must fully update its workplace data.
  2. The workplace must fully complete individual ASC-WDS staff records for all workers with a minimum of 90% of the data completed.
  3. Individual staff records completed before 1 April 2024 which are included in the 90% calculation must be both fully completed and updated.

How can GCPA support providers?

GCPA is offering free support for members to help complete the ASC-WDS, with advice available through account set up, data entry, and after completion in the form of 1-2-1 support and other group sessions, in partnership with Skills for Care

GCPA can help your organisation with the ASC-WDS in a number of ways:

  • Signposting you to the relevant websites: GCPA can provide you with the link to the ASC-WDS website, help you to create an account and direct you to supporting materials.
  • Walking you through the steps of data entry: GCPA can provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to complete each section of the ASC-WDS.
  • Helping you to get green lights and complete training, qualifications and staff records: GCPA can help you to gather the necessary documentation and to submit it to the ASC-WDS website.
  • Providing you with information on what to do once the ASC-WDS is complete: GCPA can provide you with information on how to access the Workforce Development Fund and how to utilise your completed data to improve business practice.

Here are some additional tips for completing the ASC-WDS:

  • Start early: The ASC-WDS can be a time-consuming process if you’ve never completed it before, so it is important to start early in the 2023-24 timetable. Once you have completed the WDS once, it is much easier to get to 100% in the following years.
  • Gather your documentation: Before you start, gather all of the documentation that you will need, such as your training certificates, qualifications, and staff records.
  • Take your time: There is no need to rush through the ASC-WDS. Take your time and make sure that you answer all of the questions carefully, you do not have to answer all of the questions in one session because your progress can be saved.
  • Ask for help: If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask for help. GCPA is here to assist you.

What do providers think about the GCPA support?

“We would like to say a very big thank you for your very informative input and help regarding the ASC-WDS.”

“To be honest there was reticence around using the ASC-WDS system and we thought it would be complicated.  Our staff records had not been updated for a long while and it all looked rather daunting.”

“With the guidance and input, although it is still a work in progress, we are finding that it looks like it is going to be a very good way to keep, staff training compliant at a glance.”

“We would like to say a big thank you for your advice and continued support.”