01452 767664


InsurewithCare is the new insurance scheme from long-terms partners and sponsors of the GCPA, Cass-Stephens Insurances Ltd. The InsurewithCare scheme has been designed to meet the needs of registered homes, domiciliary care providers and supported living providers who care for service users who have learning disabilities or mental health challenges. Our market-leading policy wording, underwritten by an AA rated global insurer, has been specifically designed to provide the cover that care establishments need, including meaningful abuse and medical malpractice extensions. One of the biggest challenges for insurers of care providers is understanding the nature of the care you provide and the challenges that your service users face. Our risk management focused approach means that we are able to offer cover for organisations that look after a wide range of service users including those who have:


  • Learning Disabilities
  • Mental Health Needs
  • Physical Disabilities
  • Sensory Loss
  • Substance Misuse challenges
  • Challenging Behaviour
  • Forensic Histories


We offer GCPA members a free mid-term insurance review service. During this review we will work with you to establish the risks your organisation faces, the risk management controls you have in place and review the suitability of your current insurance arrangements.

As part of InsurewithCare we can assist you with all classes of commercial insurance including cyber, directors and officers and motor.

For more information, please contact:

Glenn Trafford

Commercial Accounts Executive                                                                                                  T: 01452 300888     M: 07808 856305

E: glenn.trafford@insurewithcare.co.uk