01452 767664

New Starter Wellbeing Conversation for Gloucestershire Social Care Staff

New Starter Wellbeing Conversation for Gloucestershire Social Care Staff

Event Date:

Thursday 9 May 2024

Event Time:

10:00 am

Event Location:

Microsoft Teams

A new initiative being trialled by the ICB and The Wellbeing Line – You are invited to identify care staff, who are new in role in 2024

We are pleased to invite you to register staff on the ‘new starter wellbeing conversation’, which is a new initiative being trialled by the ICB in collaboration with The Wellbeing Line.

You are invited to identify care staff, who were new in role in 2024 and to encourage them to attend the session on:

Thursday 9 May 2024 @ 10:00 – 11.30. The session will be held on Microsoft Teams

Skills for Care estimates that the staff turnover rate in Gloucestershire was 32.0%, which was similar to the region average of 32.2% and higher than England at 28.3%.

If the workforce grows proportionally to the projected number of people aged 65 and over then the total number of adult social care posts in the South West region will increase by 30% (from 190,000 to 246,000 post) between 2022/23 and 2035, making the need to retain new starters within the sector more important than ever.

The ‘new starter wellbeing conversation’ is designed to support all new starters in their role, providing a wellbeing check-in and safe space for colleagues to share their wellbeing practices, as well as concerns and ensuring staff know where to find helpful contact numbers/resources should they wish to. New starters will come together in a small group and the sessions will be facilitated by a member of The Wellbeing Line.

The ambition is that by the end of the session, the new starter will have had an opportunity to talk about their wellbeing and be more aware of support available. The Wellbeing Line will also be requesting feedback on the content and delivery of the session with a short survey included in a resource pack sent to each staff member following the event.

Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.