01452 767664

RWK Goodman Ethical Recruitment Practices Training

RWK Goodman Ethical Recruitment Practices Training

Event Date:

Tuesday 25 June 2024

Event Time:

10:00 am

Event Location:

This is an online event via MS Teams.
Overview of government guidance on ethical recruitment within care sector recruitment (which is a requirement of the funding) including:
  • A power of attorney is a document that enables you to authorise someone else to carry out tasks on your behalf and a TRAININGS FOR GCPA
  •  Code of Practice for the International Recruitment of Health and Social Care Personnel in England.
  •  Restrictions on active recruitment from named countries on the government’s ‘red list’.
  •  Ethical use of third party recruiters.
  •  Costs of international recruitment being passed on to migrant workers and risks of debt bondage and financial exploitation.
  •  Risks of noncompliance with minimum salary thresholds associated with recouperation of costs.
  •  Modern slavery risks and sanctions imposed for breaches of modern slavery laws.
Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.