01452 767664



Better Security, Better Care.

Free local support for care providers on data and cyber security.

GCPA is helping local care providers to evaluate and improve their data and cyber security.

As a care provider, you know how important it is to have access to good information about the people you support and your staff. In order to store and share that information safely, you need to be confident that your paper and digital records are secure.

We have been awarded a grant to support local care providers on their data security journey as part of the national Better Security, Better Care programme.

The programme will help you to evaluate and improve your data and cyber security. This means you can reassure the people you support and their families, your staff, commissioners, regulators, and health and care partners, that you are following good practice – and meeting legal and regulatory requirements.

Our main focus is to help you to understand the importance of data and cyber security, and complete an annual, online self-assessment using the Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT).

Our offer

As a local support partner, we offer free support to help you to:

  • reassure the people you support, their families and your staff that they can trust you with their data
  • reduce the risk of suffering from cyber crime and data breaches
  • carry out your annual self-assessment of your data and cyber security arrangements using the nationally-recognised Data and Security Protection Toolkit (DSPT)
  • identify areas where you need to improve, and develop an improvement plan
  • comply with data protection legislation and Care Quality Commission’s expectations on confidentiality and security
  • access key services such as NHSmail and shared care records.

From April 2021 onwards, we will be providing a range of information and support including:

  • Webinars
  • Training
  • Direct support to complete the Data Security and Protection Toolkit

Who we help

As a local organisation, we know the local care market. So our support is focused on Care Quality Commission registered care providers in Gloucestershire.

We can help care homes, home care providers, extra care housing and supported living services supporting adults of all ages.

We can also support large care groups if all or most of your services are in our local area.

If you are part of a large care provider group with services in multiple parts of the country, you are more likely to be supported through the national Better Security, Better Care programme provided by Digital Social Care.

Local coordination

We know there are a lot of different data, digital and cyber security projects underway in the health and social care sectors. We are working with our local councils, CCGs, Integrated Care Systems and NHS partners and networks to ensure that the support we offer fits in the best way locally.

Contact us

To find out more or request support please contact Dani: 07436 033514 or email: digital@gcpa.co.uk

You can access free information, guides and films about the DSPT on the Digital Social Care website, where you can also register for regular national updates.