Get your free membership guide and registration code here
GCPA are excited to confirm our collaboration with the Institute of Health & Social Care Management (IHSCM) and offer GCPA members and all the staff within your organisation free, unlimited access to the courses available on the IHSCM.

In summary, the IHSCM can provide the following:

Agree with you any specific training needs your members have such as succession planning, having difficult conversations etc and create bespoke content specifically designed to achieve your objectives.

All members will have access to the following:

  • In person training day each year in collaboration
  • Hosted online meetings and forums
  • Opportunity to network with other hubs to promote your work and to share ideas and learning
  • Bespoke courses, workshops, resources created for you by the IHSCM based on the needs of your staff members
  • Free access to IHSCM’s High Performance Leadership Framework
  • Free access to all IHSCM short courses and workshops
  • Free access to all our live online workshops and events. There are some great events here which include How to increase your chances of writing a successful bid and EDI topics such as this one on building resilience within Trans, Non-binary and Gender Diverse communities
  • Free access to IHSCM’s special interest groups and social care innovators groups
  • Free tickets to IHSCM’s conferences
  • Collaboration in sector wide consultations and reports
  • Free 1 hour HR Support from social care specialists.
  • You can find out more about who and where the care hubs are here Hubs – IHSCM (

You can download your free membership guide here

For queries, please contact or